The Joseph House Board of Directors is delighted to announce and warmly  welcome new Members Barb Rote and Jim Rote.       Barb is VP, Sales & Member Success for Corporate One Credit Union. She is a graduate of Ohio State University and holds an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) from the Weatherhead

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Last Saturday tomatoes, green beans and peppers were added to the Joseph House resident vegetable garden. The refugee children residing at Joseph House enthusiastically helped plant the seedlings, under the watchful eyes of a dedicated Saint Joseph Academy student and her grandparents. Check back here to see the fruits of their labors. And pray for

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Monday, May 22nd Joseph House participated in a Bike Giveaway and distributed 49 bikes to refugee students who attend Natividad Pagan International Newcomers Academy. Joseph House partnered with Village Bicycle Cooperative who supplied many of the refurbished bikes for free, the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics who supplied free bike helmets and

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Earth Day was special this year at Joseph House with students from Saint Joseph Academy! The students prepared an outdoor container vegetable garden for our refugee residents and also planted seeds which will be moved into the bed when ready. The morning rain didn’t deter them and gave way to sunshine, which matched the sunshine

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On April 22nd students from the Cleveland State University Tutoring & Academic Success Center came to Joseph House to help switch out our clothing inventory from winter to summer. They also brought a generous donation of clothing, towels, detergent and toilet paper. Many thanks to this hardworking and fun crew. We are grateful!

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